If one of the fire alarms in your home goes off, you should always take it seriously and assume there could be a fire taking place. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to fires. However, you should also be mindful of the fact there are many things that can cause your… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Smoke Detectors
How Do Smoke Detectors Work?
Smoke detectors can save lives in the event of a fire. When a fire starts and smoke begins to billow through a home or business, a smoke detector will go off and let everyone inside of the building know that they have to get out quickly. Smoke detectors are very loud and designed to alert… Read more »
Why Does My Smoke Alarm Keep Beeping?
Is the smoke alarm in your home beeping or chirping on a regular basis? You shouldn’t ignore it. It could be a sign that it’s not working properly, and in the event of a fire, it might not alert you to it. There are a number of issues that can cause a smoke alarm to… Read more »
It’s Fire Prevention Week at Life Safety Consultants
This week, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is hosting its annual Fire Prevention Week to raise awareness about what we can do to prevent fires in our homes and workplaces. On their website, the NFPA offers a variety of educational materials to help people keep their properties fire safe, and teach them what to… Read more »
An Explanation of Common Smoke Detection Technologies
Smoke detectors act as an essential early-warning system in your workplace, alerting employees to budding fires before they become to full-blown blazes. Every day, we place our implicit trust in smoke detectors to protect us in the event of a fire. Smoke detectors are everywhere, but in spite of how commonplace they are many people… Read more »
Safety Tips – Clean Your Smoke Detectors
There are many parts that make up your fire alarm system, many parts which need continual maintenance and inspection. Of these parts that help as a preliminary safeguard against a fire in your house or business is the smoke detector. Working smoke detectors are usually located in each room, possibly multiples times depending on the… Read more »