Posts Categorized: Pull Station Covers

Do You Need Pull Station Covers?

Manual Pull Stations

Do you need pull station covers? Well, they’re a good idea because they help protect manual pull stations from several things. Protection In high traffic areas, pull station covers help protect against accidental impacts. Ideally, you don’t want people to set off accidental alarms, right? If someone accidentally bumps into the pull station, the cover… Read more »

Why It Is Imperative To Have A Functional Pull Station Cover

Manual Fire Alarm Pull Station 4009-9003

Fire alarms are an absolute necessity, especially when people’s lives are at risk. Fire alarms are a first response against a fire. When an alarm sounds, you are given the opportunity to react before the situation becomes life-threatening. Positioning a fire alarm where it is heard and controlled is important. Keeping the fire alarm in… Read more »